Forming a Data-Backed Marketing Strategy

Win Accounting’s Sales Analysis Report is one of the most prevalent accounting reports featured in the Debtor’s Control Management Module.

This valuable report provides business intelligence required to enhance your marketing strategy, backed by data, rather than simply gut feel.

The Win Accounting Sales Analysis Report

Win Accounting’s Sales Analysis Report is broken down into multiple sections, allowing you to easily home in on each step of the sales process.

The Sales Analysis Report, also referred to in the reports menu as Sales Statistics, is broken down into the following sections:

Product Analysis

The Product Analysis Report makes it possible to receive a complete picture of your products, services and sales.

Having this up-to-date sales analysis data presents you with many great business benefits!

Find out more about the purpose of the product analysis report and the many benefits it offers your business!

Customer Analysis

Keep track of every sale ever made with the Customer Analysis Report, easily identifying the amount of sales made, the discounts provided, VAT amounts and much more.

Filter by client, or receive a full business-wide report with ease.

Salesman Analysis

The Salesman Analysis Report provides everything you need to know about your Sales Force.

Do your employees work on commission? Find out more about our unique Salesman Codes and commission management capabilities.

Document Analysis

Speed up your invoicing process with batch invoicing – use the Document Analysis Report to quickly and easily view a history of all transactions.

Sales Analysis Report Benefits

Being able to visualise your product and sales data provides you with a comprehensive “big picture” of the financial health and activity of your business.

This makes it possible to establish sales patterns, making it easier to set future budgets.

Choosing a business accounting software that provides a number of valuable financial and business reports can play a big role in allowing your company to flourish.

Win Accounting’s Sales Analysis Report presents you with many great benefits:

Determine your Most Profitable Products (and make them shine)

By assigning costs, analysing sales and keeping track of revenues, the Sales Analysis Report makes it easy for you to identify your most profitable products or services.

Fine-tune your sales and marketing activities with this data, allocating resources accordingly in order to support the products that present the greatest opportunities for future growth.

Find your Slow-Moving Products (and focus your resources more effectively)

Besides identifying your most profitable items, as mentioned above, the Sales Analysis Report can also help you find your slow-moving products or services.

This data can be used to help you allocate resources more efficiently, prevent over-stocking and cut holding costs.

Use this information when implementing price changes or product discounts.

Pinpoint your Most Profitable Customers (and keep them coming back for more)

Just like with your products and services, the Sales Analysis Report also makes it possible for you to pinpoint your most profitable clients.

This is valuable information to have as it can be used to boost your customer retention rate.

Introducing VIP-type programmes, discounts and incentives for these clients can keep them coming back for more – as you smile all the way to the bank!

Win Accounting’s Stock Control Software provides you with a 3-tier selling price option, making it even easier to set up preferential pricing options for your various clients.

Identify Sales Opportunities (and potential problems)

By presenting you with trends or patterns in your sales data, the Sales Analysis Report also makes it possible for you to detect opportunities or potential problems.

Is an item increasing in sales? Make sure your inventory is accurately stocked across all sales channels.

Is the item decreasing in sales? Use these trends to decide whether it’s time to lower the price, pump more into marketing or add discounts to push up its popularity.

Consolidate All Business Intelligence (and use it to make data-backed decisions)

These are just some of the many advantages that dynamic accounting reports and business intelligence can present when formulating business strategies.

Win Accounting is an all-in-one Accounting Software and Business Management Solution, meaning that it consolidates and integrates every facet of your business.

The sky truly is the limit when it comes to realising the potential for business growth!

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(Last Updated: 14 March, 2022)

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